30 October 2013

happy thoughts

Things are looking quite great at the moment, I hope in a few years I will remember this feeling of utter joy and excitement I am feeling now.

First of all, my questionnaire got approved by the Ethics Committee in a record time of two working days (and they said it would take a fortnight). I received their decision on Monday, when I was finishing the literature review, so I couldn't post the survey immediately. I finally did it yesterday, I linked it everywhere I could and I sent out a bunch of emails and private messages asking various bloggers from the fandom to spread the word. I was completely unprepared for the outcome. In a day I have received over 150 completed surveys! I'm not entirely sure how many do I actually need (I'll have to ask my supervisor) but still. It's so incredible and totally unexpected I can't believe it. This just proves I was right to choose something I love and am passionate about as my topic - because I knew other people would be just as invested in it. I guess being in the fandom for nine years does that to you.

I also finished the literature review, I sent it to my mum's friend for proofreading and hopefully by the end of the week I get it back to present it to my supervisor. So far that's 2683 words into the dissertation (it will change after the proofreading, I'm sure, but not by much), which is really helpful in making me less paralysed by the thought of writing something so big and important. Deconstructing it and facing it piece by piece is so much easier.

I guess this is me being extraordinarily optimistic. Enjoy it while it lasts :)

Until the next time,

P.S. If you haven't seen the survey already (and frankly, it's everywhere :P), check it out HERE. Remember, you'll helping science become more awesome :D

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